Friday, November 29, 2019
Minimum Wage Employees
A minimum wage is the lowest form of compensation that employees may receive, be it hourly, daily or in a monthly form. On other terms, it may also be defined as the lowest wage that an employee may peddle his/her labor. Despite the minimal wages law exhibiting great jurisdictions, most opinion makers’ epic large proportions of differences in terms of the pros and the cons that the said minimal wages exhibit.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Minimum Wage Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of the pros brought forth about the minimal wages include the opinion that with the existence of minimum wages, the standards of living are bound to improve immensely with some quarters, confessing of a reduction in poverty while others saying that the business has become more and more efficient. The cons that have been associated with the minimum wages include the increase in the rate of unemployme nt and the low productivity among some workers due to the inexperience among some workers hence benefiting the more skilled workers over the lesser skilled ones. Economists differ on the presumed impact of minimum wages in the real world. The distress usually comes as a result of competing and comparing the empirical tests of demand and supply and the degree of efficiency in the labor markets that models most efficiently predict competition (Letcher 31). Some of the empirical studies that have been studied about these minimal wages include among others the effects on the employment sector which until now stands as the most studied aspect. Rates of the minimal wages vary widely across different scopes around the world, not only in a specific monetary rate for instance the difference in the monetary rates in the United States and the United Kingdom, where it is $8.67 in Washington in the United States and 6.08 pounds in the United Kingdom for those that are over the age of 21, but als o the period in which the rates are paid greatly differs (Blackman 93). It is explicitly hard to disintegrate the minimal wage facts from other variables that may have any considerable effects on employment. There are some thought out facts that try to argue in favor of the minimum wages, some of the in scripted pros include the belief that even the standards of living of the most vulnerable class in the most ravaged societies greatly increases. Another advantage depicted is that it encourages the workers to work harder and motivates them more (Carmen 89). It is good to know that with each passing day people try to get money legally due to their work but not in any way that is out of the law. It also encourages automation and efficiency is also encouraged more in the industry. Some researchers are also of the opinion that the low paying jobs are scrapped and in this regard more and more people are forced to work harder and earn payments from the highest earning jobs. Some researcher s who are for these minimum wages epic that there is increased developments in the technological departments.Advertising Looking for critical writing on labor law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand the criticizers of this law epic that it tends to hurt the small business and alternatively favoring the larger ones. These criticizers continue to epic that the minimum wage tends to reduce the demand expected of workers where they argue that this is greatly caused by the reduction in the number of the jobs and also, by the reduction in the number of hours. The inflation in terms of price also tends to increase as the prices of goods are raised by the respective business while trying to compensate. They also argue that the poorest and less productive workers are left out in favor of others. The researchers also argue that small salaries can easily result in the reduction of the working places. They continue to argue further that the smallest firms with payroll budgets that are limited find it extremely hard to retain their most valuable workers, since they are unable to give them considerable attractive wages as compared to the unskilled workers, who are paid the artificial high minimum and so the task of adding more workers become great. These cons have also rendered it ineffective when trying to reduce poverty and also more damaging to business than other methods. It has also been proved that it discourages further education since most people are lured into the job market. Finally, it exudes the con of wiping off the low cost competitors from the markets and impedes the different organizations from reducing the costs of the wages during trade recessions, which augurs into inefficiencies in the economic sectors of the various industries (Lewinsky 11). Despite the cons that have been put across by various researchers, proof across various sections in the world Diaspora has only explicated imme nse pros brought forth by these minimal wages. One example that clearly demonstrates this is a study carried out in the US that showed that the payrolls and the rank of the working places increase with each passing year thanks to the minimum wages (Lewinsky 11). Another example is the introduction of the minimal wage in the United Kingdom in 1999, where it was initially strongly opposed by the conservative party but it is no longer opposed and the conservatives even reversed their stand in the year 2000 after it reduced the hiring rates. It also reduced the working hours and the prices have increased greatly coupled by the increase in the production of the current workers. This research paper will look in a great perspective on the different minimum wages that have been put in different states (cities) of the United States of America. Due to the outsized state of the states, the paper will only give examples of some of the most common states or cities that have developed considerabl e efforts in the introduction of the minimum wages and for jobs that have been shielded by the minimum wage laws of the federal state.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Minimum Wage Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A common exclusion of the minimum wage of the federal system is a company that exudes revenues that are way below 500000 US dollars per annum while not being involved in any business of the interstates. In addition, the employees that receive a certain part of their salaries from tips are expected to have their whole compensation including tips meet those minimum wages. So on often basis, their hourly wages before tips is occasionally lesser than the minimum wages (Willis 75). Moreover, some cities within states may experience higher minimum wages that the rest of the cities. The paper will look into seven different states namely, Washington, Texas, Ohio, New York, Kansas, Iowa, Cal ifornia. The first city that will give us a close overview of the different minimum wages in US is the city of Washington. The 2011 figures put the minimum wage as 8.67 US dollars. The minimum wage applies to both the agriculture and the jobs that are non-agriculture, but despite this the people that are 14 and 15 years in age may receive 85% of the minimum wage that is 7.37 in US dollars. Business Analysts have gone further to predict an impressive minimum wage of 9.04 US dollars by the beginning of the year 2012. The minimum wage of Texas is 7.25 similar to that of New York which also enjoys a minimum for relieved workers of 536.10 US dollars. The minimum wage of Ohio exceeds that of New York and Texas to post at 7.40 US dollars and researchers expect it to increase to 7.70 US dollars by the beginning of the year 2012. Employees who are 16 years old and where the employers gross is less than 237,000 US dollars per annum receive a minimum wage of 7.25 US dollars. For most years, th e minimum wage of Kansas was the lowest in the whole nation, a partly 2.65 US dollars but it has since been increased to meet the federal level and now stands high on 7.25 US dollars. The minimum wage of Iowa stands at the same level as that of Kansas. Service establishments and small retailers do not necessarily require to pay the minimum wage, mostly those that receive less than 300,000 annually (Willis 75). Sometimes, 60% of the minimum wage which is presently about 4.35 US dollars is given to tipped workers. The last of the sample states is California with a minimum wage of 8.00 US dollars and San Francisco city which receives a considerably high minimum wage of 9.92 US dollars. The minimum wage decree in this state and city states that relieved workers must at least make twice the minimum wage of the state.Advertising Looking for critical writing on labor law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited Blackman, William. The employer’s legal handbook: manage your employees and workplace. New Jersey, NJ: Lewis Publishers, 2001. Print. Carmen, Reinhart. Minimum wage fixing: an international review of practices and problems. New York, NY: Princeton University Press, 2009. Print. Letcher, Trevor, and Daniel, Vallero. Biennial report of the industrial welfare commission of the state. Oxford, UK: Academic Press, 2011. Print. Lewinsky, Allison. Minimum wage policy in Great Britain and the United States. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2007. Print. Willis, Nordlund. The quest for a living wage: the history of the federal minimum wage, New York, NY: Greenwood publishing Group, 2007. Print. This critical writing on Minimum Wage Employees was written and submitted by user Austin Vincent to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Cells Essays - Organelles, Chloroplast, Cell, Thylakoid, Free Essays
Cells Essays - Organelles, Chloroplast, Cell, Thylakoid, Free Essays Cells Proteins made from ribosomes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum enter the lumen of the ER and move to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. A small vacuole (vesicle) pinches off the smooth ER and carries the protein to the Golgi apparatus, where it is further processed. - Mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane. The inner membrane is folded to form little shelves, called cristae, which project into the matrix, an inner space filled with a gel-like fluid. A vacuole is a large membrane-enclosed sac that usually functions as a storage area. Plant vacuoles contain not only water, sugars, and salts but also pigments and toxic substances. The pigments are responsible for many of the red, blue, or purple colors of flowers and some leaves. The green pigment chlorophyll, found within the grana, makes chloroplasts and leaves green. Chlorophyll absorbs solar energy, and chloroplasts convert this energy into ATP molecules. - Chloroplasts carry on the process of photosynthesis, in which light energy is used to produce food molecules, such as glucose. Chloroplasts take in carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy in order to produce glucose and oxygen. The energy-related organelles, chloroplasts and mitochondria, convert one form of energy into another. While chloroplasts are unique to plant cells, mitochondria are found in both plant and animal cells. - Chloroplasts carry on photosynthesis, during which light energy (photo) is used to produce food molecules, like glucose (synthesis). Chloroplasts take in carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy in order to produce glucose and give off oxygen. Mitochondria are often called the powerhouses of the cell: just as a powerhouse burns fuel to produce electricity, the mitochondria convert the chemical energy of glucose products into the chemical energy of ATP molecules. Chromatin, a threadlike material, contains DNA and is found within the nucleus. At the time of cell division, chromatin condenses into rodlike structures called chromosomes. The middle lamellae, a region between cell walls, contains a sticky substance, usually pectin. Lignin is a substance found in secondary cell walls that makes them even stronger than primary cell walls. Autodigestion is important during development. For example, when a tadpole becomes a frog, the enzymes within lysosomes digest the cells of the tail, and the fingers of a human embryo are at first webbed, but they are freed from one another by lysosomal action. - Lysosomes, vesicles formed by the Golgi apparatus, contain hydrolytic enzymes that can digest macromolecules. Macromolecules are sometimes brought into a cell in vesicles formed at the cell membrane. A lysosome can fuse with such a vesicle and digest its contents into simpler molecules, which then enter the cytoplasm. - Special vacuoles (membrane-enclosed sacs) called peroxisomes are often attached to smooth ER, and these contain enzymes capable of detoxifying drugs. - A chloroplast is bounded by a double membrane. Inside the structure, there is even more membrane organized into flattened sacs called thylakoids. The thylakoids are piled up like stacks of coins, and each stack is called a granum. There are membranous connections between the grana called lamellae. The fluid-filled space about the grana is called the stroma. - Inside the chloroplast, there is membrane organized into flattened sacs called thylakoids. The thylakoids are piled up like stacks of coins, and each stack is called a granum. The fluid-filled space about the grana is called the stroma. - The nucleus is a large organelle that has a nuclear envelope, chromatin and nucleoli. The nuclear envelope is a double membrane that keeps the contents of the nucleus separate from the cell's cytoplasm. Pores in the nuclear envelope allow large molecules to pass into and out of the nucleoplasm, the fluid interior of the nucleus. - Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. They can be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or lie free within the cytoplasm. When several ribosomes are making the same protein, they are arranged in a functional group called a polysome. Both plant and animal cells have cell membranes, nuclear membranes, mitochondria, and vacuoles. Chloroplasts are found in plant cells but not in animal cells. All plants have a cell wall, located outside the cell membrane. The primary cell wall contains cellulose whereas the secondary cell walls contain lignin. The middle lamella, a region between cell walls, contains a sticky substance, usually pectin. In the process
Friday, November 22, 2019
Cohn's Strategic Trade Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cohn's Strategic Trade Theory - Assignment Example There is a theory that describes this sought of setting called the competitive theory. As for the comparative trade theory, an example that can demonstrate the theory can be; take to countries which are both good at producing two products (Cohn, 171). For both countries, their resources are limited, and this means that they can only produce a limited number of goods. When one country increases the production of one product, the other product’s production is lowered. Each of the individual countries can produce either good, but for trade purposes, one country produces one product more efficiently while the other does the same to another product. This will lead to both trading and mutually benefiting (Comparative Advantage Theory) According to Cohn, there are certain theories that helped Japan become second to the United States. These theories provide an understanding of how Japan became successful. The theories are associated with the comparative advantage. They are; theory of production economies of scale, market power, learning by doing and the theory of externalities. According to Cohn, Japan realized the trade benefits of comparative trading (Gilpin and Jean, 78). Japan and the United States are two countries that are different.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The current economic situation of UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The current economic situation of UK - Essay Example Morris Capital is going to face a situation in which there may be a gap between its inflows and outflows and as such its liquidity may be drained in coming periods. Based on this, it is estimated that the fund withdrawals will be 3% more than the inflows received by the firm owing to the fact that its investment strategy allow investors to start withdrawing the funds after five years. Considering this situation, the Investment Committee of Morris Capital is going to meet in March 2010 to further discuss the strategic allocation of the assets as well as outline the future course of action. This report will therefore provide an overview of the current investment environment and provide alternatives for plausible asset allocation along with the recommendations for the future course of action that may be taken. The current economic situation of UK is relatively more unstable owing to the financial meltdown that occurred during 2007. The overall situation is not considered as healthy as the estimates indicate that the UK’s economy will grow at a very sluggish rate as IMF’s forecasts indicate that the UK’s economy is its worst after 1930s. During 2009, UK’s economy experienced a growth rate of just 0.1%1 during the last quarter of 2009 indicating the overall state of the economic conditions.
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Executive Branch of the Russian Federation Essay
The Executive Branch of the Russian Federation - Essay Example Furthermore this assignment leads to know that how the presidential power that have been increased since last decade or more is affecting the whole Russian Federation. It is an attempt to discuss the critical and dramatic relationship of the two main characters of the Russian politics that have been swapping and grasping the most important position of the executive branch since last few years. In the way to make it more authentic references of books, internet and journals has been presented. The Russian Chief of the State/President According to the Russian federation constitution 1993 the president of Russian Federation is the head of the state and as well as the chief of the state. According to The Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993, â€Å"The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state, Supreme Commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office within the Russian Federation. Name of the Presidents and their ruling periods Boris Yeltsin After the cancelation of USSR in December 1991 Boris Yeltsin came to power on June 1991 with a leading victory of 57% votes and elected as the first President of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. ... Dmitry Medvedev: After the presidential rule of Vladimir Dmitry Medvedev became the new president of RSFSR and served his nation as a president from May 2008 till May 2012. Vladimir Putin was elected as a prime minister of ESFSR by The president Medvedev. Vladimir Putin: In 2012 Putin again won the presidential election and got back his presidency from Dmitry Medvedev and has been serving as a president since May 2012. 2. Brief Definition of the Executive Branch According to the (Pascal Elizabeth 3) Executive Branch is the Branch of Government responsible to carry out the Law. Executive Branch of Russia President: Prime minister is the head of the executive branch of the Russian Federation and according to the Constitution of Russian Federation the President is the head of the State of RSFSR. The president gets elected by the election that held after a gap of six years and was the amended form of elections duration occurred 4 years before 2008. Concurring to the law a candidate had t o win more than 50% of the total votes cast in the Election. If no one of the candidates gets 50% then the top two candidates had to compete in 2nd round of Election called run-off election. A president was allowed by the law to compete for the 2nd time for the president but not allowed to compete in the third time (Thomas Grove and Gabriela Baczynska, â€Å"Anti-Putin protesters show their strength in Russia†). Prime Minister: The Executive Power of Russian federation mainly shares between president and prime minister but President includes more power due to the authorities to appoint a Prime minister with the assistance or approval of the Duma. Prime minister is also the Head of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Water Scarcity in Egypt
Water Scarcity in Egypt Student Name: Gill Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to find the question about fresh water and analyze the fresh water data. In this text, first I will introduce the situation of fresh water in Egypt, and second is to tell you the methodology. The third and forth steps are Findings and Discussion to discuss the water issues in Egypt. Then I will to sum up all above information to write the conclusion. To discuss the problems and solutions of water resources in country Egypt. And analyze the data of the rainfall in every year in Egypt. 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this research is to find out the problem of fresh water scarcity and analyze the information about fresh water scarcity in Egypt. Fresh water is importance for Egypt because this country is located on desertification region and perennial drought. And about 98% of population lives in the most prosperous place, and they need a large number of fresh water to keep their life. China is also a country with severe water. In China, the ranking of freshwater resources is fourth in the world. However China has lots of population, resulting in the per capita water resources is only a quarter of the world average. And I think the water chemistry that may influence water scarcity is the industrial water. Almost all of the aquatic ecosystems in China are good and have fine environment. And now Chinese are improving the aquatic ecosystems be better. In my opinion, the reasons of lack of water in Egypt are the annual rainfall is less and the local population is more. Resulting in the per capita water consumption is less. 2.0 Methodology The plan for achieving research purpose is to evidence my hypothesis of fresh water in Egypt. The data that I got usually researched from Internet and some of them were got from news. The best is some of them have the example charts and detailed explanation that I can reference to my essay. I researched them by the key words fresh water in Egypt. And those articles needed to have writers, and I could do the detailed notes. Usually news articles are truth and valuable and usable, so they are of good quality for use in an academic report, and make my essay with authenticity. 3.0 Findings The two key fresh water issues in Egypt are annual precipitation is low and the per capita water resources are less. And every Egyptian cannot excessive use of water. Because these two issues involve the natural weather causes and the population causes. The potential solution of fresh water cannot choose the best one, but I think the solution is local government positive to improve the management of water resource and the family planning program. And Egypt government can try their best to control the number of population. In Egypt, people have different kinds of water for agriculture, such as Nile water, groundwater, precipitation and agricultural wastewater. Nile water is the mail water resources for Egypt country. Egypt government can get about 55.5 billion meters of water, and about 86% of this water be used to agricultural irrigation. On the groundwater, every year the Egypt government extraction of groundwater about 4.6 billion meters of water. On the precipitation, every year t he rainfall is about 1.5 billion water, however people cannot use the freshwater over than 50%. Egyptian recycling the agricultural wastewater and through purification the wastewater try to use the water again. But this way is in the test and small area application stage. Table: 4.0 Discussion In paragraph introduction my hypothesis are annual rainfall is less and the local population is more to make freshwater to be less in Egypt. Based on the findings text, I will discuss the water resources management by Egypt government. On the management way, Egypt government did a good demonstration. They implement the unified management on water resources. On the price of water for residential use, different live place has different price of water. For example the price of water in high-income residential area is higher than the price of water in low-income residential area. To try they best to save the water resources and reduce losses. However the price of water on the agricultural irrigation is free. Almost all of the agricultural wastewater that be recycled is used to the agricultural irrigation, and usually the groundwater is used to the drink and agriculture. Integrated all of the information, my argument is scientifically logical. Because my argument is based on the many arti cles, all of them think the reasons have the relationship with population and environment issues. After all, these reasons are not artificial, so that they are hardly solved. 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation Those evidences that I researched can demonstrate my hypothesis. For example the news data, the data shows Egypt is belong to which climate, and to example why Egypt shortage of water resources. From above text, I got the main reasons for the freshwater shortage in Egypt is population and natural environment. On the solution for fresh water, Egypt government expects recovery the agricultural wastewater and clean is to try to use it again. And they also have another policy for water management. Researchers will detect the quality of the water resources in the fixed time. Resulting in they make the best plan for rational use of water resources. In addition, those scientists are going to expand study on save agricultural irrigation water technology. Thought check the local ecosystem, those scientists try to find the most suitable crop that can live in this harsh environment. Reference List 2014,Egypt:water resources from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia [Online] Available from: [Accessed 28 December 2016] Amir Dakkak (2016), Egypts Water Crisis Recipe for Disaster [Online] Available from:[Accessed 28 December 2016] Water resources management and policies for Egypt [Online] Available from: [Accessed 28 December 2016] Â Â Â
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Health Insurance Crisis in America Essay -- Public Policiy Issues
Health insurance comes as second nature to many of us. We grab that blue and white card and put it in our wallet and forget about it until we are sick or injured. When this happens, there it is, cushioning our fall like the extra padding it provided to cushion our wallets. This is not the case with everyone, however. Many Americans have no cushion to fall back on, no blue and white card to show the emergency room when they have an unexpected health concern. No HMO with a convenient co-pay amount when their son or daughter develops an ear infection. Medicine and other health services are expensive without these important conveniences that many people lack. These people have been â€Å"falling through the cracks†in U.S. health care system for years, leaving many citizens wondering: why would our country do this to us? Our great and powerful nation, the United States, a country that much of the world views as the most highly developed nation in the world, is the only industrialized country that does not provide its citizens with universal health care, according to a report by the National Rural Health Association (NRHA 1). Being that we are a capitalist economy, perhaps the government feels it is the duty of the people to make sure they are taken care of. This makes sense, doesn’t it? We are all smart individuals; we can make decisions and take action for ourselves. But what can the individuals do when the cost of insurance and health care is too high for them to handle? In the United States, the answer is nothing. A 2002 census published by the Public Information office showed that there are 41.2 million Americans who do not have health insurance (Bergman). That amounts to a startling 14.6 percent of the population, up from... ...ently, without expensive health insurance, Americans are in a bind. If they cannot afford health insurance, they surely cannot afford the medical bills that will fall upon them should they need to be hospitalized. Every other country in the world that is on the same level as America industrially and developmentally offers universal health care to its citizens. Some Americans are worried about the rise in taxes if the government offers guaranteed care to everyone. The insurance companies will suffer, as well. But the sacrifice is more than worth it. America was founded on the basis of freedom for all. Shouldn’t we all, regardless of income, be free to enjoy as many years of health as we deserve? Sources Cited National Rural Health Association Lardie, Diane Universal Healthcare Action Network
Monday, November 11, 2019
Poverty a retrospect of beliefs with the wrong reality Essay
As children we see life through a different set of eyes than others, and we accept the reality of our surroundings by how others judge us. We were the poor kids of the neighborhood and the others kids let us know that. My parents divorced when I was 5 and things were rough for my mother with 3 kids to raise on welfare. We thought we had it bad. Sometimes, we didn’t know where the next meal was coming from or who was going to help if things got worse; I remember we would stand in line to receive the food box for the month. Mom would put meals together and then she would leave for several weeks at a time, being on the road working for the Roller Derby. We never knew who our babysitters were going to be or if they were going to treat us with some sort of dignity and respect. Many times we took matters into our own hands and got rid of them and others just left, because we were not always the best behaved kids in the world, and we were always in some kind of trouble. The cops would bring us home at least 3 times a week for doing some crazy thing in the neighborhood, or stealing something from the local store to eat. After a while the cops and the store owners would just ask if we had something to eat or if there was something that we needed. Those were the days when people did come together and help others that were less fortunate, and we definitely needed the help. Our cousins lived in Firestone Park, a suburb of Los Angeles. They had some of the same obstacles to overcome except they did not have the community support that we received. My aunt was a single mother and did not receive food stamps. As I think back now on the difference between our lives, and the obstacles they faced compared to ours, we had it made. We faced challenges just as they did; I have been behind bars many times in my life. Both I and my older brother had interventions that changed our lives. My brother found out that the only way to change his life was to change his environment and look for other ways to support himself and his family than drugs. There were no food boxes available to my cousins and the cops were not as forgiving as they were in our neighborhood; the cops took my cousins to juvenile hall. There is one difference between my cousins and my family; they were half black and white. They were not looked at with the same sympathetic eyes as us and they told us about the way they were treated by the people of the city, and putting you all behind bars was the only way to solve the problem. From early on in their lives, they had to face the harsh reality that they were not treated the same as others even in their own community. Being called names by the other kids in the neighborhood, they had to fight everyday just to earn respect and they became the aggressors. They did things that we never thought of at our age, but that was the live they lived. My cousins went to juvenile hall very early on, and when they would get out, it did not take long for them to be locked up again. One of my cousins has spent over 3/4th of his life behind bars, and that is the only life he knows. We had spent a couple of days here and there in juvenile hall where they spent months throughout their teenage years. They did not have the same kind of caring community members as we did in our little part of the world; being a big city, crime was a way of life for kids there. There were not many options for the young people and joining a gang and the reality of death was just an everyday part of life. Drug abuse was prevalent and my cousins excelled in the life of crime. If it had not been for the YMCA in our community and the people that were placed into our lives, things for us could have been just as it was for my cousins. Both of my brothers have been in jail a time or two, except for my youngest brother who is spending the rest of his life in prison. He was sentenced to 25 to life, 25 to life and 18 years for crimes he was involved in 1994. I moved away from Stockton, California in 1996. My older brother moved away several years after I did and he now lives in Waldport, Oregon. He is a well respected part of the community. My journey began in 1995, after suffering a heart attack behind an overdose of Methamphetamine; I knew that I needed to change my life when I woke from the coma, and the charges that I was facing from running from the law for over 2 years. The judge whom I went in front of gave me my way out, but the road was not going to be easy. I had to complete a drug program, pay up all my fines and go to parenting classes. My kids had suffered long enough; they had to deal with all my addictions, the stealing, lying and cheating. It was going to be a battle, but I was willing to do what it was going to take to put my life back on the right track. The judge looked at me and told me â€Å"that if you do not complete this program and do all the requirements that I have set forth, that I would be facing 15 to 20 years straight time†. Thanks to the Veterans Administration and a Stockton Sheriff named Officer Garcia, the judge was going to give me a chance of a lifetime. All of the charges against me were to be dropped, and my records sealed and I would have a fresh start in life. The judge said it was against his better judgment to give me this opportunity, but I had a lot of people willing to give me a chance. He was looking forward to putting me behind bars. My cousins never had any kind of opportunities such as the one I was given and they were criminals and they would be punished to the full extent of the law. All of my cousins are in prison for life because of 3 strikes law. One of my cousins was not so lucky; He was shot and killed by the Los Angeles police that said he had pulled out a gun but none was ever found. They called it justifiable shooting, also known as guilt by association. I look back at the events of my life and realize that we were not poor by any means compared to other families in the Los Angeles area. The opportunities we had been given were not there for them and although we committed some of the same crimes, their punishment was more severe. I could never imagine being where I am today. I thank God for the people I have had in my life that gave me some different perspectives and hope that I could have more than I ever dreamed of. I look at how my cousins were raised and they way we were, and there are similarities, but we had it easy compared to them. Being of two different nationalities and dealing with the everyday stresses of the big city life must have been a burden that I am not sure if we would have survived. I must admit that life was not always rosy and wonderful, but we always had a roof over our heads and we might not have had the best meals but at least we had one. I am grateful to all the people I have had in my life that thought there was something to fight for and never let me give up hope. I pray for my cousins every day and give thanks to the lord for all that I have been given. Works Cited †. Howell, James, Decker, Scott H. â€Å"The Youth Gangs, Drugs, and Violence Connection Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, January 1999. U. S. Department of Justice. Boyz N the Hood Singleton, John. 1991. Columbia Pictures
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Characteristic and performance of the video game Industry Essay
A detailed analysis of the video games industry, the relationship between the console, the developer and the gamer and the case studies of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft has conclusively proved the hypothesis that a symbiotic relationship exists in the video games industry between the console, developer and the consumer which impacts on the overall growth and performance of the business and will also have an effect on future trends. A survey of data analysis will reveal that there are excellent prospects for growth of the console video gaming industry despite threats from other areas of the same business such as online and mobile gaming. The details of the research outcome and the salient conclusions and recommendations are as per succeeding paragraphs. The overall growth of video and computer games world wide is likely to grow from $ 27,000 million to approximately $ 54, 000 million or double during a period of three years from 2005 to 2008. The console video games industry is set to grow from $ 15,000 million in 2005 to over $ 20, 000 million in 2008. This is a growth of over 30 percent which is likely to surpass the growth in all other segments of entertainment. This growth is driven by the popularity of console games in general as well as certain technological factors such as development of online console gaming facilitated by upgraded consoles and broadband connections which can facilitate easy transfer of images and videos. Apart from this economic factor, there are other profound changes which will come about in society as predicted by Doug Lowenstein who has indicated that it would transform the total social and cultural thinking in the years ahead. (Conference, 2000). The numerous voices raised against the growth of video games and their influence on children in America has decried the growth of this industry. Such protests and developments will certainly affect the growth of the video industry and it is likely to create more benign games in the future. Of greater concern to social scientists is the inculcation of hyper competition and deviant sexual values in children due to games. (Squire, 2002). This issue is likely to place pressure on the gaming industry to ensure that it follows the norms set by bodies such as the industry content regulator, Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) in America. Another important facet is content creation and retailing online. This mode will develop at much faster pace than at present. This will enable greater participation of gamers and will consolidate the existing relationship between the console, the developer and the gamer. Technology as the MMOG will further boost the growth of the industry as well as the relationship between the stake holders in its growth. Relationship between console, developer and consumer The research has conclusively established a positive relationship between console, developer and consumer. Video gaming is a highly interactive process in that there has been a total shift in the relationship between the producer of goods, the developers of content and those who are partaking off that content, the gamers. This relationship has become of mutual support rather than of give and take. The mediums used for such an interaction have been consciously developed in some cases as Nintendo which started with a special magazine and has now come up with various other actions to support the developer as well as the consumer in providing the company effective inputs for development of games. A similar trend has been observed in the case of Sony and Microsoft. The growth of the internet has further added to the impetus and this will be supplemented by on line gaming which is providing gamers an opportunity to respond actively to their entertainment requirements. The response of all companies has been active in fostering this relationship. The other aspect is the active involvement of console and developers. While all major console producers have in house developers, they are including the information technology behemoth; Microsoft actively seeking the assistance from external developers. Companies have fostered special programs as Game Play Counselors and Digipen to cultivate the loyalty of the developer community along with community participation program called as NSider forum by Nintendo.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Emperors Old Cloths essays
The Emperor's Old Cloths essays Ariel Dorfmans The Empires Old Clothes is a one of a kind book that examines the hidden cultural backdrops of popular childrens literature. Though it is widely known that books such as the Little Prince have profound meanings underneath the basic storyline, it would be a shock for many to discover that even stories of Babar and the Lone Ranger convey hidden biases and cultural significance to its readers. The Empires Old Clothes is very descriptive in its arguments and analyzes in detail the significances of each cartoonish episode. Indeed everything from European imperialism to differences in family structure as shown by Babar and Disney are discussed. Darfmans book illustrates that though Disney stories lacks the imagination and historical accuracy blatant in De Brunhoffs Babar, they each reflect some cultural truths of their respective cultures. The French story of Babar written by De Brunhoff is a series of original tales that describe a society of personified elephants. Unlike Disneys stories, this French story conveys a mission civilisatrice, or a civilizing mission, in which De Brunhoff underlines the stories with lessons on how to grow and mature. On the surface, this mission is similar to the stories about Madeline, the little French girl who always gets herself into mischief, then after having been rescued, teaches her young audience a fun lesson. Babars civilizing mission, however, involves more than lessons for children. In his books, the jungle is the continent of Africa, and the town is Paris. The society of brutish elephants is undoubtedly the African society previous to the arrival of The Old Lady, who is the epitome of Western civilization. With these geographical disguises, De Brunhoff civilizes two cultures at once. Elephant and children, both small savages, will finally reach a point at which they must as ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Visual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Visual Analysis - Essay Example The picture comprises of four groups of human elements. These are: Batman, Batkid, a policeman and people on the street. Non-human elements in the photo include trees, buildings, batman’s motor vehicle, a bicycle and another motor vehicle. In the picture’s foreground we see Batman, Batkid and an automobile. Batman is seen to be standing and encouraging Batkid in the picture. In the picture, Batman is portrayed as wearing his â€Å"Batman’s†costume as is usually the case in sci-fi movies when he is fighting villains. On Batman’s side we see Batkid who seems anxious and somehow agitated. Batkid has worn a costume that is similar to the costume that Batman is wearing. However, Batkid has put on black shoes with orange laces unlike Batman who is wearing black boots with black laces. From Bat kid’s left side there is a motor vehicle, the vehicle has Batman’s emblem engraved on its hood. The vehicle in the picture seems to be a sports car, most probably a Lamborghini. It is assumed that this is Batman’s automobile. In the picture, it seems as though Batman and Batkid have just alighted from Batman’s automobile. In the background of the picture various objects are visible. The background of a picture can indicate the location of a picture (Lester, 2006). The picture shows Batman’s vehicle as having stopped at a passenger crossing on a street. Behind the vehicle there are trees which have green leaves. This shows that the picture could either have been taken during summer time or the start of the autumn. From the picture, we are also able to view a block of buildings. The buildings are behind the trees and are made of concrete. The buildings seem to be modern and thus we can conclude that the picture was shot on a city street. In the background of the picture we are also able to view an audience that seems very elated to see Batman and Batkid. Many of the audience in the picture are wearing coats. T his could be because of cold weather and thus we can conclude that the picture was taken during autumn. From the picture we can also observe a policeman behind Batman and Batkid. The policeman is in a vehicle that is opposite Batman’s vehicle and is seen to be peeking outside the vehicle’s window. Focal Point Batkid is the focal point of The Batkid picture. The main point of focus in an image is its focal point (Lester, 2006). From the picture it is evident that the main point of focus was on Batman and Batkid with a lot of emphasis laid on Batkid. While taking the picture, the photographer seemed to have focused more on Batman and Batkid as compared to events happening in their background. The photographer seems to have especially paid greater attention to Batkid, trying to bring out the finer details of Batkid. The photographer is able to capture Batkid’s belt which has Batman’s emblem. The photo also lays some emphasis on Batkid’s gait. Colors T he most abundant color in the picture is the black color. Various elements in the photo are colored black or have black adornment. Batkid has a black costume which is also the case for Batman’s costume. The vehicle that Batman and Batkid seem to have alighted from is a black vehicle. From the background of the photo we are able to see a fan of Batman, behind the vehicle, who is wearing a black coat. Many of the audience in the photo are also dressed in black coats. The tarmac on which Batman’
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Entrepreneur Interview and Personal Analysis Essay - 1
Entrepreneur Interview and Personal Analysis - Essay Example Establishing a new business venture is often seen as a challenge by many aspiring entrepreneurs hence there is need for outstanding ideas in order to appeal to the interests of the potential customers. Mr Jones said that he carefully scanned the market for any opportunity and he gathered as much information and ideas as possible to come up with an ideal business venture. Therefore, the rationale of the interview questions to the interviewee is to solicit for responses about his preparedness and willingness to accept the risk and uncertainties for the success of the new venture. As noted, entrepreneurship is about building something of recognised value around perceived opportunities which implies that innovation is something the entrepreneur is continually doing (Burke, 2006). Innovation is concerned with finding a unique way of offering a particular service or product to the market while utilising resources in such a way that there are likely risks to be encountered since the targete d customers may not readily accept the offering. ... In deciding the scope of his business, Mr Jones pointed that there were some pull factors that compelled him to try the untested market segment he had realised. Thus, the concept of push factor in business is refers to those influences which can push the individuals towards venturing in a business opportunity that exists in the market which is not fully covered by the other players (Burke, 2007). Therefore, the purpose of the interview was to get a clear understanding of how Mr Jones identified this gap in the market and how he came up with the idea of establishing this business venture. This entrepreneur is proud of his success in the carpet cleaning business which he started a couple of years ago. Evaluation of the entrepreneur A critical evaluation of the attitude of Mr Jones shows that he possesses various entrepreneurial skills which can be attributed to his success. First and foremost, it can be noted that this entrepreneur created his carpet cleaning business enterprise after realising the need in the market for this particular service given that the targeted customers could not employ people to do the job for them on a permanent basis but had to rely on services provided by others ate a substantial cost. As aptly pointed out by Bessant & Tidd (2007), an entrepreneur is always on the lookout for new opportunities, either in existing enterprise or in the creation of a new enterprise. Very often, the consumer does not even realise that he needs the service and this is the strategy that was utilised by Mr Jones where he developed this service and brought it to the attention of the consumers through utilization of different marketing techniques. The approach
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