Monday, August 24, 2020
Renzo Piano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Renzo Piano - Essay Example Different music capacities are normally held at the complex. It involves a roomy zone in the 1960 Olympia region. The structure plans, for example, the three bug-like corridors appear as instruments. The one of a kind highlights of the structure pull in guests from various piece of the world. It is deliberately situated close to huge inns that can oblige guests in the city. It is likewise near other alluring spots, for example, the Villa Glori Park. The spot is likewise available in light of the fact that it is situated close to a high way called the Autostrada A1. What's more, it is close to a railroads station called the Roma Termini. The railroads station is just 6 kilometer away from the music complex. Guests from various pieces of the world can without much of a stretch access it through the Fiuicino air terminal that is just 33 kilometer to the design. The assembly room was worked in a zone that used to be a stopping territory. The region is close Parioli and Flaminio locale. I ts key area and many help administrations make it a perfect spot to hold numerous kinds of occasions (Bennet and William 199). The Music complex is in an outdoors amphitheater with lobbies that appear as though music boxes. It spaces are involved by different show corridors. Every lobby has various structures as far as measurements and capacities. In any case, the spaces are truly adaptable and flexible and can be directed depending of the kind of music execution. For example, its floor and roof can be balanced so as to change the property of the corridors. The three show corridors are suited in an immense arch molded structure inside the music complex. One of the corridors called the petrassi has enough space to suit around 750 seats while Sinopoli lobby can oblige around 1200 seats. The third corridor named Santa Cecilia is the greatest among the three since it can oblige around 2800 seats. The space of the music complex additionally has different rooms, for example, the training rooms where individuals can rehearse previously
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What Is Democratic Consolidation
What Is Democratic Consolidation One of the most significant requests that ought to be made is on how equitable solidification can be seen particularly from the political perspective. It is clear that examination has uncovered that there is no useful or explicit meaning of the idea â€Å"democratic consolidation†(Schneider 215).Advertising We will compose a custom article test on What Is Democratic Consolidation? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the idea has gotten regular in relative legislative issues whereby researchers have been in scramble to determine a completely fulfilling definition. In any case, it is imperative to comprehend that vote based solidification signifies the progress that happens in liberal organizations to a point that pioneers fit in with majority rule (Schneider 215). While the last explanation may seem comprehensive and to a great extent engaging in some random popularity based setting, note that it might be barely be accomplished as a perfect circum stance in political administration. From a cautious survey of writing, it has been affirmed that majority rule solidification is the methods by which youthful vote based systems develop to guarantee that they don't hazard returning to tyranny (Lim 117). Remarkably, this procedure is chiefly supported to advance the belief system that political entertainers grasp vote based system, a factor that will make political establishments secure against the dangers of dictatorship (Lim 220). Consequently, it is questionable that this idea is intended to cultivate adjustment of systems by disposing of difficulties that can achieve breakdown of the social texture. In any case, the idea of vote based union particularly among youthful and developing majority rules systems may in any case be a hallucination and a thought from the real world. It is fundamental to take note of that vote based solidification involves various political viewpoints, for example, dissemination of vote based guidelines, l egitimization, killing enemy of political on-screen characters and encouraging non military personnel incomparability (Schneider 215). In the event that the previously mentioned components are to be grasped and for sure actualized in any political administration, at that point it suggests that a ton of political altruism should exist. Besides, it additionally involves destruction of dictator enclaves and balancing out constituent principles so as to stay away from political race abnormalities remembering that no single popularity based government can flaunt vote based system if its pioneers are not uninhibitedly and genuinely chose into political workplaces. Research has uncovered that the procedure can't be finished without decentralizing state power and building up legal changes (Andreas 94). In accordance with this, political on-screen characters additionally need to present instruments that will encourage direct majority rules system so as to defend the utilitarian interests of the regular people. Strikingly, various researchers have unique comprehension of the idea (Lim 118). For this situation, the significance and use of the idea fundamentally relies upon the specific circumstance and objectives wherein the political on-screen characters represent (Schneider 215). Now, it is likewise qualified to examine a portion of the significant attributes of systems in the â€Å"gray zone†particularly with respect to the guideline of majority rule combination. Note that systems in the ‘gray zone†are those that are in the third flood of democratization (Rapley 35). From an exact perspective, it is obvious that these systems have not yet experienced full change from dictatorship into full democratization. In this manner, regarding the standards set forward by the political belief system of popular government, they are to a great extent at halt and larger part of such governments regularly turn around towards tyranny. It is doubtful that these sys tems stop to turn out to be by and large tyrants yet they are not completely democratic.Advertising Looking for article on government? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, it may not be programmed for all the systems in the ‘gray zones’ to return to totalitarian standard remembering that in the occasion solid popularity based organizations are set up, the probability of returning to legitimate principle might be invalid and void inside and out. What's more, these systems seem equivocal because of the way that they are semi-dictator (Lim 221). For this situation, these systems have liberal political organizations that maintain political freedom. By and by, they despite everything depict a few attributes of dictator rule. This sort of situation has been the situation with certain youthful economies albeit a comparative situation might be recreated even in very much created economies. The other trade mark is that such systems give little space for political rivalry, a factor that essentially crushes government’s responsibility and straightforwardness when executing its jobs and obligations. Research uncovers that they benefit constrained space for press opportunity to work openly. Moreover, ideological groups with dissimilar or restricting perspectives are not effectively obliged in such systems since by and large, they order greater part rule and as such they may weaken the qualities of administering parties (Rapley 95). Obviously, the last situation is the thing that might be portrayed as political youthfulness. Moreover, since these systems are not completely equitable, they are regularly incapable to create successful governments. This is because of the way that equitable procedures of choosing a legislature are frequently controlled by dictator characteristics that unfavorably abuse the fundamental precepts of straightforward administration. At that point, for what r eason would it be hard for systems to move out of this zone? Experimental confirmations have indicated that it is ordinarily hard for ‘gray zone’ systems to move out of this sort of administration. One of the potential factors that make it entirely unwieldy for the systems to escape the zone is because of profound established individual contrasts. Strikingly, after the finish of the Cold war, there developed driving savvy people who were against the outfits of liberal vote based system. In accordance with this, a large portion of political entertainers in such systems have social predisposition on the idea of liberal popular government (Rapley 102). Besides, there are just hardly any legislatures that are eager to desert tyrant control and receive vote based system. For this situation, they dread exacting restrictions forced by majority rules system. Research has uncovered that there is a likelihood that ‘gray zone’ systems will increment in number since mo st states have had issues adapting to political advances (Andreas 99).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on What Is Democratic Consolidation? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, nations that have grasped vote based solidification have wound up having feeble majority rules systems. For this situation, lion's share of world states lean toward semi-tyrant systems, a factor that makes it hard for them to move from the ‘gray zone’. Moreover, it is significant that there ought to be moderate political clashes in states. As per Lim (235), combination of majority rules system can't happen with visit showdowns. In this way, it is critical to guarantee that there is harmony or, in all likelihood the regular people will ignore the qualities and interests of majority rule government. Evidently, there are heaps of conditions that are vital for just union to produce results. The elements that influence solidification of majority rules syst em ought to be realigned by all expenses (Lim 221). It is pleasing that the majority of these variables are non-financial, for example, lack of education and crouching levels of human advancement that is normal in poor economies. In this manner, one of the basic conditions for solidifying vote based system is by guaranteeing that there is viable human advancement through open mindfulness so as to fortify social union. Research has uncovered that there is have to take out all types of methodology, qualities, desires and establishments that appear to be incongruent with the out and out thoughts of vote based system. In accordance with this, new organizations and techniques ought to be set up so as to make an ideal air for merging majority rules system (Andreas 101). It is imperative to have various and political on-screen characters taking part in governmental issues and choices who will win others to grasp the new system. Another significant component to note is that new foundations ought to set up the demonstration of great political parity through force sharing. This wills draw regular folks to move their brain from the past systems. Neediness has been considered as a significant social-monetary issue, a factor that is credited to its all-encompassing negative effects that legitimately and in a roundabout way compromises the very presence of individuals. Sandoval, Rank and Hirschl contend that the condition of neediness in many places on the planet today is stunning. Destitution has likewise raised profound worries over its expanding levels and similarly high versatility of negative ramifications (720). The inquiry that waits in numerous personalities is whether various states over the globe are assuming a compelling job in tending to the rising degrees of neediness. As this paper dissects, pragmatists are of the assessment that the practices and arrangements received in many states have extraordinarily contributed towards neediness. While some may appear to contradict their own perspectives and rapidly protect their activities, steps to address the fundamental dangers presented by neediness are yet to be seen.Advertising Searching for exposition on government? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Certainly, different states over the world have assumed significant jobs in advancement and battling of destitution. Lenagala and Ram contend that the rising degrees of neediness in numerous states today ought to be seen as a factor that is contributed by existing authority (923). Numerous countries floundering in the miasma of total destitution consistently share a typical factor called poor
Monday, July 20, 2020
Iran-contra affair
Iran-contra affair Iran-contra affair, in U.S. history, secret arrangement in the 1980s to provide funds to the Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran. The Iran-contra affair was the product of two separate initiatives during the administration of President Ronald Reagan . The first was a commitment to aid the contras who were conducting a guerrilla war against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. The second was to placate moderates within the Iranian government in order to secure the release of American hostages held by pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon and to influence Iranian foreign policy in a pro-Western direction. Despite the strong opposition of the Reagan administration, the Democratic-controlled Congress enacted legislation, known as the Boland amendments, that prohibited the Defense Dept., the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or any other government agency from providing military aid to the contras from Dec., 1983, to Sept., 1985. The Reagan administrati on circumvented these limitations by using the National Security Council (NSC), which was not explicitly covered by the law, to supervise covert military aid to the contras. Under Robert McFarlane (1983â€"85) and John Poindexter (1985â€"86) the NSC raised private and foreign funds for the contras. This operation was directed by NSC staffer Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North . McFarlane and North were also the central figures in the plan to secretly ship arms to Iran despite a U.S. trade and arms embargo. In early Nov., 1986, the scandal broke when reports in Lebanese newspapers forced the Reagan administration to disclose the arms deals. Poindexter resigned before the end of the month; North was fired. Select congressional committees held joint hearings, and in Dec., 1986, Lawrence E. Walsh was named as special prosecutor to investigate the affair. Higher administration officials, particularly Reagan, Vice President Bush , and William J. Casey (former director of the CIA, who died in May, 1987), were implicated in some testimony, but the extent of their involvement remained unclear. North said he believed Reagan was largely aware of the secret arrangement, and the independent prosecutor's report (1994) said that Reagan and Bush had some knowledge of the affair or its coverup. Reagan and Bush both claimed to have been uninformed about the details of the affair, and no evidence was found to link them to any crime. A presidential commission was critical of the NSC, while congressional hearings uncovered a web of official deception, mismanagement, and illegality. A number of criminal convictions resulted, including those of McFarlane, North, and Poindexter, but North's and Poindexter's were vacated on appeal because of immunity agreements with the Senate concerning their testimony. Former State Dept. and CIA officials pleaded guilty in 1991 to withholding information about the contra aid from Congress, and Caspar Weinberger, defense secretary under Reagan, was cha rged (1992) with the same offense. In 1992 then-president Bush pardoned Weinberger and other officials who had been indicted or convicted for withholding information on or obstructing investigation of the affair. The Iran-contra affair raised serious questions about the nature and scope of congressional oversight of foreign affairs and the limits of the executive branch. See B. Woodward, Veil (1987); T. Draper, A Very Thin Line (1991). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay about George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall
George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall Everybody is talkin these days about Tammany men growin rich on graft, but nobody thinks of drawin the distinction between honest graft and dishonest graft. With this sentence in the first chapter Plunkitt sets the tone for his short treatise on New York City politics while Tammany Hall ran the show. George Washington Plunkitt was a senator in New York during the turn of the 19th Century to the 20th Century. He was very successful in politics, and at one time he held four offices at once and collected salaries from three of them. G. W. Plunkitt held any one (or more offices) in Tammany Hall for over forty years. He was a shady politician who took care of his constituents and his†¦show more content†¦Before civil service reform, elected officials could easily remove anti-Tammany city employees and replace them with Tammany supporters in return for their work during the campaign. This sort of spoils system encouraged young people to get involved with politics and to l ove their country. According to Plunkitt (and he gives many examples) after civil service examinations young men become anarchists or in the worst case one joins the Spanish army and actually fights against the same men he used to support and love. Not only did this spoils system encourage young people, it also helped hold the United States party system together. And that, according to Plunkitt, would all change if supporters were not rewarded with government jobs for their work. However, the Civil Service act of 1883 did more to instigate the merit system in politics than anything else. Plunkitts arguments against the civil service reforms are amusing but his generalities make his argument difficult to believe. One would assume that Plunkitts motivation for attacking civil service was because of his personal motivation not the reasons presented in his Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics. Plunkitt clearly was a politician for himself and his supporters, in all he care d very little about the welfare of New York City as a whole. Other than the curse of civil service, Plunkitt also instructed young men on the tactics andShow MoreRelatedThe Views of the Politician George Washington Plunkitt690 Words  | 3 PagesGeorge Washington Plunkitt was a complicated politician from New York in the 1900’s. He had his own questionable way of seeing what’s right and what’s wrong. Plunkitt’s Ideas of right a wrong sometimes seemed to be off. However, some of his ideas about things that needed to be reformed were as true then as they are now. Plunkitt seemed to be a man that knew how to get what he wanted out of people with very little effort. From the perspective of an outsider this could make him hard to trust,Read More Plunkitt of Tammany Hall Essay1541 Words  | 7 PagesPlunkitt of Tammany Hall 1. Honest Graft and Dishonest Graft- When Plunkitt was tipped off about something in the city or someone wanting to built a park or something, he sees the opportunity and he takes it. He buys up the land before they do. When they see that they are going to need the land, he sells it to them at a much higher price than what he paid for it, giving him a nice profit. That is honest graft. Several politicians are accused of stealing dollars from the state’s treasury, thisRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution1518 Words  | 7 Pagesmethods. The Progressive Reformers were a political organization that sought out to set permanent fixes to these conditions and make it possible for the immigrants to be self-sustaining. On the other hand, the political machines, more specifically Tammany Hall of Manhattan, sought to make changes by directly helping the immigrants but not without them having some benefit to their organization. Both political organizations had different responses to the plight that the lower class immigrant workers wereRead MoreThe Period Between Reconstruction And World War I1811 Words  | 8 Pagesvote. Without this participation, there is no way that society can reflect their interests and the whole system of democracy falls apart. Not everyone agreed with Hewitt’s view of intelligence and education as the key factor in government success. Tammany Hall and other political machines obtained and maintained power through what is know as the â€Å"spoils system†whereby they give positions to their supporters in return for their votes and loyalty. The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, which required
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racial Discrimination And Its Impacts On Today s Society
Racial discrimination has been a controversial topic throughout US history. The social construction of race influences access to valuable resources in society, as well as categorizes people into a certain â€Å"class†which allows for minimal movement in this so-called social stratification system. Many believe that racism arose from inequalities dating back from the 1600’s. Some believe that the only way to solve the issue is through reparation; however, others think reparation will only threaten America’s pride and nationalism. To look at the controversy surrounding reparation, we can look at the separate views held by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Kevin B Williamson. Ta-Neshi Coates explains that we should acknowledge slavery and its impacts on today’s society, while Kevin B. Williamson explains that it is not necessary to note and the cost of America’s pride is more significant than the cost of acknowledging the effects of slavery. In a speech to the City Club of Cleveland, advocate Ta- Nehisi Coates argues, â€Å"we see policy after policy after policy of plunder†in addressing race relations. He, along with other supporters of reparation, believes that if African-Americans are compensated, inequalities will not exist and blacks can start their lives over with just as much freedom and abilities as whites. Further, in his â€Å"Case for Reparations†Coates highlights multiple instances of racial discrimination throughout history that led to more of a divide among Blacks and Whites. For example,Show MoreRelatedRacial Inequality And Gender Inequality889 Words  | 4 PagesIn today s world discrimination is a racial inequality when it come to different races in the United states. Discrimination has been around for years and have created a social inequality , economic crises and have lowered individuals into a group known as the â€Å" racial minorities â€Å".Racial minorities can be classified as older people , women , immigrants and young men and women. Women from the early 1600’s to today s women have been discriminated against for years. Women have never had the sameRead MoreThe Importance Of Language For Aboriginal People1286 Words  | 6 PagesThe importance of language for Aboriginal people In 1788, when the settlers arrived in Australia, there were about 250 Indigenous languages. These distinct languages had many dialects. Today, there are about 145 languages spoken by Aboriginals, however only 18 languages remain strong in Australia. Language is a sense of identity for the Aboriginal people, is a way to communicate. Language is individual to specific tribes and unique to people and communities. Language is used to pass on cultural knowledgeRead MoreRacism : Racial Discrimination And Injustice1257 Words  | 6 Pagesas racism. For centuries, racism has been a part of society, shaping the way humans view each other, but with the aid of Young Women s Christian Association (YWCA) - Stand Against Racism, racial discrimination and injustice can be eliminated. All across the United States, African Americans are faced with racial prejudice, a negative attitude towards a group of people based on race  not on direct knowledge or experience. This kind of racial prejudice began in the 17th and 18th centuries, whenRead MoreRacial Profiling, An Unjust Act And A Big Problem1452 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to the 11 Facts about Racial Discrimination, â€Å"The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that an African American male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of going to jail in his lifetime, while a Latino male has a 17% chance, and a white male only has a 6% chance†(11 Facts about Racial Discrimination 1). Racial profiling, or discriminating against a whole group of people based on their race, is an unjust act and a big problem in our society today. Arresting people because of how they lookRead MoreThe Stress on Americas Equality Essay1176 Words  | 5 PagesIn America’s society, equality has always been a reoccu rring issue. All the way from early slavery and the Holocaust to discrimination toward African Americans, females, and now same-sex marriages. As much as our world focuses on becoming equal, each culture deals with it’s own differences. In Michael Jackson’s song, â€Å"Black or White†compared with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ song, â€Å"Same Love,†they each approach the same topic encompassing equality. Songs from completely two different generationsRead MoreRacism Essay852 Words  | 4 Pageshis or her characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief, most of the time based on racism, that different races should remain separate and apart from one another.Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be described as the hatred of one person or by one another. It is the belief that another person is less than human due to the color of skin, language, and place of birth. It has influenced our society today. Around the mid 1950’s to late 1960’s the civil rights movement hadRead MoreRacial Discrimination : Racism And Discrimination1244 Words  | 5 PagesRacial discrimination has been an ugly face lingering around for generations. It baffles me how it still exists today. It’s interesting to me because how do you know who to discriminate against. What type of individual will promote such distasteful thoughts? Why is racial discrimination still relevant? I guess the real question will be is how to overcome racial discrimination. The beginning of racial discrimination stems from when the European settlers landed in America and conquered the NativeRead MoreRacial Discrimination in Canadas Workplace1620 Words  | 7 PagesRacial discrimination in the workplace has been a persistent theme in Canada’s history as well as present-day times. The occurrence of actions and attitudes that impose a sense of one being less equal than another on the basis of one’s race in Canada’s workplace inhibits both our nation’s ability to move forward as well as strengthen unification within our country. The belief in a more egalitarian society, where one’s race and ethnic background have little to no impact on employees (or potentialRead MoreRacial Discrimination : The Blacker The Berry1638 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Racial Discrimination is dreadful. It’s a social conflict against those who are a slightly different based on appearance. It has indeed become a well-known issue, which has created problems throughout the world. This issue is so distributing that it has incredibility-impacted society, especially influenced artists to incorporate the current issue into their songs. For instance, artists like Kendrick Lamar have expressed the issue of racial discrimination. In his song â€Å"The Blacker theRead MoreAddress Racial Inequalities : Past And Present1247 Words  | 5 Pagesaddress Racial Inequalities: Past and Present Introduction It is no secret that racial inequalities exist today and have for many years now. They have existed at many levels including institutional, collective, and personal. In this paper, I plan to show how previous policies created these inequalities, and explain how we can address these issues at all levels. I will also show which policies have had an impact on minorities in contributing to greater equality. For racial inequality
Vietnam Challenges in Development Free Essays
â€Å"What are the major obstacles in your country’s development to achieve long-term and sustainable growth and in addressing such obstacles what public policies need to be put in place, particularly in relation to national technology and innovation capability? †Vietnam’s reform process named Doi Moi (Renovation) since 1986 witnessed success of market-oriented changes. Not only has Vietnam been one of the world’s fastest growing economies (averaging over 7 per cent p. a. We will write a custom essay sample on Vietnam Challenges in Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now GDP growth), it has made great strides towards eliminating poverty, achieved national food security and become a major exporter of agricultural commodities. However, the process of shifting from agricultural dominance to industrial dominance has also created number of negatives effects for the country that public policies should be put in place to address. Three main obstacles, which Vietnam has to face up with, are those issues of growth, society and environment: Firstly, the country’s economic growth primarily is factor-based and quantity-based while knowledge-based development accounts for minimal proportion. The growth made by input capitals (foreign investment, natural resources) makes the results do not deserve with investment. IMF experts make a comparison of Vietnam case with Thailand and Philippine in the past 2 decades, when two country experienced same position as Vietnam currently, 30-40% total revenue of the nation created 12% growth rate, while Vietnam’s investment up to 60% of total revenue but growth rate is only 6-7%/year. It’s the time to pay attention on economic effectiveness rather than just targets setting. Secondly, economic growth in short time has lead to series of social issues. Inequality and the gap between rich and poor, rural and urban, plains and mountainous areas has been widened not only in terms of income but also living standards and chances. The rapid growth of urban economy and industry has not been linked harmoniously with rural economy and society. While many new jobs continue to withdraw young labors from the rural, they also worsen the unbalance of rural family life, gender and age. More jobs are created but unsecured, life in industrial zone or city suburban with rental house, low-income and manual job can not secure a future. The rest of people stay with agriculture, however, the growth of and is being contracted, constraining the application of hi-technologies; farming syste agricultural production (so far mainly relying on in labor and natural resources – intensive investment) has no longer enjoyed favorable conditions. Agricultural land is scattered m is still based on habitant and qualitative; products are low competitiveness. Thirdly, environment is damaged seriously. Pollution is increasing, urban and industry waste is poured to the rural. Some natural resources are over exploited for exports purpose without planning. Fossil fuel is the main source for the economy, technology to create alternative energy is slowly applied. In addition, the happening of epidemic, climate changes is becoming complex. Long term policy to adapt with climate change is still in the beginning stage of formulation while the country have to struggle with day to day disasters. In order to addressing those obstacles, new strategic orientation should be identified; main approaches of public policy in the new period are as follows: Distribute equally the growth results. Remove all barriers and create favorable conditions for the development of resource markets in the rural (labor, land, capital and science and technology) so that the market mechanism and internal capacity of rural people can be mobilized to regulate effectively all available resources; mobilize abundant rural labor resource, urban savings, and international capital to upgrade rural infrastructure and develop rural services and crafts (including industry and non-agriculture activities in the rural); move the urban and industry to rural areas, export and take rural labors to the urban. Focus investment on education to improve the human resource capability through appropriate vocational training policy; develop health care system in the rural, especially in difficult and poor areas; stimulate economic sectors to provide services in the urban and favorable areas; gradually, narrow the gaps of service quality between the rural and the urban. Stimulate all economic sectors to participate in the development and application of science and technology to create higher quality products. The State should concentrate its investment in science and technology applied for public services in agriculture, extension, in difficult and poor areas Identify clearly necessary criteria and areas for economic-environment balance; ensure the sustainable social and environmental development; actively make harmoniously economic, social and environmental planning In conclusion, entering new development phase, Vietnam’s development course requires new policy solutions to change investment direction into knowledge-base, mobilize hidden resources, create motivation for a large number of people to achieve a long-term and sustainable growth in which national technology and innovation capability enhancement play an crucial role. How to cite Vietnam Challenges in Development, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Rip Van Winkle A Story Thats Simple But Complex Essays -
Rip Van Winkle A Story Thats Simple But Complex Rip Van WinkleA Story Thats Simple But Complex Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving has been a well known story told throughout time. As a child, there is no doubt you have heard a famous tale by Washington Irving about a carefree man who slept for 20 years. Like many stories, Irving's "Rip Van Winkle" has been told so many times throughout American history that it has lost its original purpose. The story is now remembered for its fairy tale like quality and its appeal to the children and the young at heart. However, when read more closely, one may discover how irony played a hand in Irvings character which enhanced the creativity of Rip Van Winkle. Throughout the story, the most prominent situational irony that could be seen is the outcome of the beverage drinking. Actually irony is one of the main principles in Washington Irving's stories. His irony is light and kind, it is closer to humor than to sarcasm or satire. Humor is a particular tool used in order to create a comic effect; it suggests a good natured laugh at a man or an event. Nicholas Vedder, a landlord of the inn, who was considered to be a patriarch of the village because he always smokes a pipe and never uttered a word. He even had adherents who would observe him attentively and understand, by the way he was smoking his pipe, whether he approved of the situation or not. When anything that was read or related displeased him, he was observed to smoke his pipe vehemently, and to send forth short, frequent and angry puffs; but when pleased, he would inhale he smoke slowly and tranquilly Here we could see the gap between the reality and the words, which creates a humor ous situation. With this kind of comical humor in the story, it contradicts to the resulted scenes after twenty years. After Mr. Winkle returned to town, his house was described as empty, forlorn and apparently abandoned continued by he called loudly for his wife and childrenthe lonely chambers rang for a moment with his voice, and then all again was silence. Comparing to the previous fantasized setting, the new atmosphere is dimmed and gloomy. Irving created a dramatic change between twenty years before and after. Although various types of situational ironies could be found, there is also a verbal irony that contradicts. The original full title of the story was supposed to be called Rip Van Winkle, a Posthumous Writing of Diedrich Knickerbocker. Irving starts with a verbal irony; a story is called "a posthumous writing". But a posthumous writing cannot exist, there can be only a posthumous publishing. Because no one could write books after hes in the grave. So, there is a paradox, a gap between the words and the reality. This adds suspense and fantasy, and draws the readers attention to the story. Rip Van Winkle', demonstrates Irving's versatile talent. The author appears to be not only a keen word-lover but also a gifted ironist, who uses all the possible literature devices to create the atmosphere full of joie de vivre in his witty and light romantic stories. Although he passed away, his classic tales will always be remembered and long live through American literature.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
International Finance Trend of Exchange Rate
International Finance Trend of Exchange Rate Trend of exchange rate over time The graph presented below shows the trend of the weekly exchange rate of the Turkish Lira and Thai Baht against the US dollar for a period of five years that is, between 2008 and 2013.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on International Finance: Trend of Exchange Rate specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Based on the graph above, it can be observed that the exchange rate of Turkish Lira was higher than the exchange rate of Thai Baht over the five-year period. The range of exchange rate for the Turkish Lira was between 0.5 and 0.8 while the exchange rate for the Thai Baht against the US dollar was below 0.1 throughout the period. Secondly, it can be observed that the exchange rate for the Turkish Lira against the US dollar fluctuated during the period. There was a slight appreciation in the exchange rate between 2008 and 2009. This indicates that the economy of the country grew strong duri ng the period. Thereafter, the exchange rate depreciated by a small margin between 2009 and 2011. This was caused by the global financial crisis. Between 2012 and 2013, there was an appreciation of the exchange rate. This indicates that the economy recovered from the financial crisis. The country heavily relies on international trade as a key source of income. Therefore, fluctuations in the value of the exchange rate are as a result of market changes. It indicates that the country operates a flexible exchange rate regime. On the other hand, it can be observed the exchange rate for the Thai Baht against the US dollar was fairly constant throughout the period. The value depreciated slightly from values ranging between 0.02 and 0.03. It indicates that the country operates a managed exchange rate regime. Bid and ask price The graph presented below shows the bid-ask spread expressed as percentages for the weekly exchange rate of the Turkish Lira and Thai Baht against the US dollar for a period of five years. Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The graph presented above indicates that the percentage of the bid-ask spread for the exchange rate of the Thai Baht against the US dollar was higher than the percentage spread for the Turkish Lira against the US dollar for between part of the five-year period. The bid-ask spread for the exchange rate of the Thai Baht against the US dollar was quite high in 2008. However, by the end of the 2008, the spread declined significantly. It remained fairly stationary between 2009 and 2011. However, in 2012, the company experienced a decline in the value of percentage spread. The high percentage spread can be attributed to a number of factors. The key factor is the perceived risk and political instability in the country. Volatility in the economic conditions in the country also explains the high value of the bid-as k spread. On the other hand, the percentage bid-ask spread for the exchange rate of the Turkish Lira against the US dollar escalated in early 2009. This can be attributed to the global crisis. Thereafter, the spread remained quite low and stable. The lower bid-ask spread is as a result of a large volume of shares traded (OANDA Corporation 1). Cross rates The graph presented below shows the trend of the spot exchange rate of Turkish Lira against the Thai Baht for the five-year period. The graph above indicates that there was a gradual decline in the value of the cross exchange rate during the five-year period. Besides, it can be observed that the graph of actual exchange rate is superimposed on the graph of cross rates calculated. It implies that the calculated cross rate is similar to the actual rate extracted (OANDA Corporation 1). OANDA Corporation 2013, Historical Exchange Rate. Web. We will write a cus tom assessment sample on International Finance: Trend of Exchange Rate specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Monday, March 2, 2020
Powell Surname Meaning and Family History
Powell Surname Meaning and Family History The Powell surname typically originated as a contraction of the Welsh Ap Howell, meaning son of Howell. The given name Howell is an anglicized form of Hywel, meaning eminent in Welsh. Due to the system of Welsh patronymics, many individuals living today who use the Powell surname originally descended down that line from a family that may have used a different surname. Surname Origin: Welsh Alternate Surname Spellings: POWEL, POUEL, POWELLS, PAUWEL, PAUWELS, POWELS Famous People with the Powell Surname Colin Powell - American diplomat and military leader; the first African American appointed as the U.S. Secretary of StateWilliam Powell - William Powell was a baritone-voiced actor remembered for playing Nick Charles in The Thin Man films.Adam Clayton Powell Jr. - 20th century clergyman and U.S. representative; civil rights activistJohn Wesley Powell - American scientist, soldier and explorer; credited with leading the first group of white men down the Colorado River through the Grand CanyonEnoch Powell - British politician, classical scholar, linguist, and poet Where Is the Powell Surname Most Common? The Powell surname, according to surname distribution information from Forebears, is the 1,441st most common surname in the world. It is most common today in Wales, where it ranks as the 23rd most frequent surname. It is also among the top 100 surnames in England (88th), the United States (91st) and Jamaica (32nd). Powell is a common last name throughout Wales, but especially in the southern regions such as around Glamorganshire, Brecknockshire and Radnorshire. WorldNames PublicProfiler indicates the Powell surname is especially frequent in Wales and western England, particularly Herefordshire and Monmouthshire. Genealogy Resources for the Surname Powell Powell Surname DNA ProjectOver 470 members have joined this Y-DNA project to work together to use DNA testing along with traditional genealogy research to help determine Powell origins and distinguish between various Powell lines. Powell Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Powell family crest or coat of arms for the Powell surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Powell Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Powell ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts about your Powell ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries. Since Powell is an old Welsh surname, you may also wish to consider joining the Welsh Patronymics DNA Project. FamilySearch - Powell GenealogyExplore over 4 million results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Powell surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Powell Surname Mailing ListFree mailing list for researchers of the Powell surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. GeneaNet - Powell RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Powell surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Powell Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Powell surname from the website of Genealogy Today.- Source Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Managers Are Increasingly Recognised As Powerful And Privileged Essay
Managers Are Increasingly Recognised As Powerful And Privileged Individuals Who Are Not Always Held Accountable For Their Actions. Should This Power Be Regulated - Essay Example One such living example is the case of MG Rover, a Britain based car company that has suffered the consequences. It is time, we learn our lessons, and along with the wings of power, render the reins of responsibility. MG Rover, apparently the last British owned mass-producer of cars in the British motor industry was established in the year 2000 by the merger of MG and Rover from BMW. At that point of time, BMW sold, rather abandoned Rover at throwaway prices. They offered an interest free loan of 427 million, repayable by 2049 to those who were willing to take it. Along with this, the buyer would be left with 350 million worth of unsold cars along with the alluring cash dowry of 112 million. This made Phoenix interested in the deal and enter the arena. The Phoenix consortium comprised of British businessmen and was headed by John Towers, former Rovers executive. They bought the company for 10, and emerged as saviors for Rover at that point of time. The organization showed a downfall as it exchanged hands, but deals like the purchase of the Qvale of Italy in 2001 went on. It collaborated with Tata, India in 2002 and also launched MG SV and SV-R in 2003, followed by launch of Rover CityRover. During its peak, the company employed approximately 170,000 workers. In the year 2004, the organization entered into talks with the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). A collaborative deal that was negotiated between the two companies fell through in the year 2005, forcing MG Rover into insolvency. The company entered into administration in April 2005. Because of the company's failure, 6000 workers lost their jobs and thousands of jobs in related sectors of the supply chain were threatened. Not just this, the entire economy of West Midlands suffered a blow because of the mistakes made by a handful of people. Where what went wrong The reasons why MG Rover failed were many. The car company, as it exchanged hands was almost always in troubled waters. One reason why Rover lost its brand value goes to over 25 years ago, where the cars were not as high quality. Even though efforts to improve quality were made, the brand image of a lower quality had already been built. The management was myopic in its approach and overlooked the real opportunities. Also the British public did not support the car much, as they preferred to buy foreign brands over the Britain based MG Rover. Many experts also feel that had the government rendered a timely response, much could have been saved. In May 2000, the Blair government had praised the Phoenix for its efforts for taking big risks. They had also promised everything that could be possibly done to save the company. But the response was not as timely as it could have been. The government has now however come up with the 150 million package, where workers are being paid the amount, to stay at home. However had action been taken four years ago, and the firm been nationalized, probably workers could have been paid much more in compensation. It is also an important lesson for the present government on choosing the right leaders/ managers for an organization. However actual disaster was with the management and its operations. For four years, the
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Management Essay on Labor Relations Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management on Labor Relations - Essay Example This can be done through involving the workers in decisions they make hence making the workers comfortable while working. Moreover, through sociology, the labor relations can be added insight by ensuring that workers are subjected to better working conditions. These can be given through ample time to rest and paying them incase they are working overtime. Other issues could include paid holidays, office retreats among others. Sociology can contribute to labor relations by ensuring that workers have better pays. That is they are paid according to their level of education, as well as being granted promotions where necessarily. It is also important that they are given an opportunity to involve and engage themselves in unions where they can share experiences as per their job descriptions. 2. Think about a job you have performed and discuss some of the external variables that influenced the work rules required on that job. There are several external variables that influence the work rules, they include; upcoming opportunities, social group, family and personal influences. Upcoming opportunities that people come across outside their current working places, and want to try them. They find better paying jobs, which at times tempt them to move to greener pastures. The family plays a big role as it helps influence the individual in areas of interest especially in sales with different family members giving encouragements and advices (Wolters, et al 6). Social group is another external variable that helps through the form of interactions with one another. These social groups have many functions especially in shaping the perspective of the customer and sales person’s behavior. Personal influences are important external variables as they help individuals in self realization in terms of communications with other people. This greatly affects the diffusion process especially in sales. 3. The text outlines three basic assumptions underlying the labor relations process in t he United States. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these assumptions? Does your response differ depending on whether you think about the question from the perspective of an employer or an employee? I agree with the three assumptions that are underlying in the labor relations process, in the United States. This is because there has always been a conflict of interest in the economic system with the employees and employers struggling to meet and advance their own self –interests (Wolters, et al 7). Essentially, most of the interests of the employees are done through the collective bargain process as they seek to advance on their salaries, working conditions and the security of their jobs. On the other hand, the employers seek to maximize their returns on the capital invested, as well as, improving their economic status. All these issues have led to the sustainability of organizations, which cannot be done without both parties. However, thinking from the employeesâ₠¬â„¢ perspective, the employers need to understand the employees with more cautiousness than they have done in these assumptions. They should give them the freedom to be in unions and include them in most of the decision making process of the organizations because organizations cannot operate without a work force. 4. Discuss your opinion
Saturday, January 25, 2020
superman for president Essay -- essays research papers
When we think of the office of President, what kind of person comes to mind? Does he have to be wise and make good decisions? Does he have to look good in a suit? Maybe he should just be a person that you trust in to keep The United States of America running smooth. Well if that is what you think of when you think of the President, my candidate is all of that plus much more. Superman would be the perfect commander in chief of these United States. The first of my candidates multiple qualities is respect for the people. Past presidents didn’t have that characteristic. He realizes that the people come first, that is the whole purpose of becoming the president. Serving the citizen would be his number one priority. When he was working for a newspaper company, he used to secretly go out and save people’s lives, putting his own life in danger. Rescuing old ladies from burning buildings, helping the police bring down some of the toughest villains, he even will get a cat stuck in a tree to come down. The second of my client’s endless amount of outstanding qualities is his ability to make quick and precise decisions. We need a president that will not crack under the pressure of making an important choice for this country. The September 11th incident would be the perfect example. There is a better way to handle this than just bombing everywhere. If Superman were president the planes would have been stopped in their tracks and placed safely on the ground. The economy is another area t...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
A Game of Thrones Chapter Twenty-four
Bran In the yard below, Rickon ran with the wolves. Bran watched from his window seat. Wherever the boy went, Grey Wind was there first, loping ahead to cut him off, until Rickon saw him, screamed in delight, and went pelting off in another direction. Shaggydog ran at his heels, spinning and snapping if the other wolves came too close. His fur had darkened until he was all black, and his eyes were green fire. Bran's Summer came last. He was silver and smoke, with eyes of yellow gold that saw all there was to see. Smaller than Grey Wind, and more wary. Bran thought he was the smartest of the litter. He could hear his brother's breathless laughter as Rickon dashed across the hard-packed earth on little baby legs. His eyes stung. He wanted to be down there, laughing and running. Angry at the thought, Bran knuckled away the tears before they could fall. His eighth name day had come and gone. He was almost a man grown now, too old to cry. â€Å"It was just a lie,†he said bitterly, remembering the crow from his dream. â€Å"I can't fly. I can't even run.†â€Å"Crows are all liars,†Old Nan agreed, from the chair where she sat doing her needlework. â€Å"I know a story about a crow.†â€Å"I don't want any more stories,†Bran snapped, his voice petulant. He had liked Old Nan and her stories once. Before. But it was different now. They left her with him all day now, to watch over him and clean him and keep him from being lonely, but she just made it worse. â€Å"I hate your stupid stories.†The old woman smiled at him toothlessly. â€Å"My stories? No, my little lord, not mine. The stories are, before me and after me, before you too.†She was a very ugly old woman, Bran thought spitefully; shrunken and wrinkled, almost blind, too weak to climb stairs, with only a few wisps of white hair left to cover a mottled pink scalp. No one really knew how old she was, but his father said she'd been called Old Nan even when he was a boy. She was the oldest person in Winterfell for certain, maybe the oldest person in the Seven Kingdoms. Nan had come to the castle as a wet nurse for a Brandon Stark whose mother had died birthing him. He had been an older brother of Lord Rickard, Bran's grandfather, or perhaps a younger brother, or a brother to Lord Rickard's father. Sometimes Old Nan told it one way and sometimes another. In all the stories the little boy died at three of a summer chill, but Old Nan stayed on at Winterfell with her own children. She had lost both her sons to the war when King Robert won the throne, and her grandson was killed on the walls of Pyke during Balon Greyjoy's rebellion. Her daughters had long ago marr ied and moved away and died. All that was left of her own blood was Hodor, the simpleminded giant who worked in the stables, but Old Nan just lived on and on, doing her needlework and telling her stories. â€Å"I don't care whose stories they are,†Bran told her, â€Å"I hate them.†He didn't want stories and he didn't want Old Nan. He wanted his mother and father. He wanted to go running with Summer loping beside him. He wanted to climb the broken tower and feed corn to the crows. He wanted to ride his pony again with his brothers. He wanted it to be the way it had been before. â€Å"I know a story about a boy who hated stories,†Old Nan said with her stupid little smile, her needles moving all the while, click click click, until Bran was ready to scream at her. It would never be the way it had been, he knew. The crow had tricked him into flying, but when he woke up he was broken and the world was changed. They had all left him, his father and his mother and his sisters and even his bastard brother Jon. His father had promised he would ride a real horse to King's Landing, but they'd gone without him. Maester Luwin had sent a bird after Lord Eddard with a message, and another to Mother and a third to Jon on the Wall, but there had been no answers. â€Å"Ofttimes the birds are lost, child,†the maester had told him. â€Å"There's many a mile and many a hawk between here and King's Landing, the message may not have reached them.†Yet to Bran it felt as if they had all died while he had slept . . . or perhaps Bran had died, and they had forgotten him. Jory and Ser Rodrik and Vayon Poole had gone too, and Hullen and Harwin and Fat Tom and a quarter of the guard. Only Robb and baby Rickon were still here, and Robb was changed. He was Robb the Lord now, or trying to be. He wore a real sword and never smiled. His days were spent drilling the guard and practicing his swordplay, making the yard ring with the sound of steel as Bran watched forlornly from his window. At night he closeted himself with Maester Luwin, talking or going over account books. Sometimes he would ride out with Hallis Mollen and be gone for days at a time, visiting distant holdfasts. Whenever he was away more than a day, Rickon would cry and ask Bran if Robb was ever coming back. Even when he was home at Winterfell, Robb the Lord seemed to have more time for Hallis Mollen and Theon Greyjoy than he ever did for his brothers. â€Å"I could tell you the story about Brandon the Builder,†Old Nan said. â€Å"That was always your favorite.†Thousands and thousands of years ago, Brandon the Builder had raised Winterfell, and some said the Wall. Bran knew the story, but it had never been his favorite. Maybe one of the other Brandons had liked that story. Sometimes Nan would talk to him as if he were her Brandon, the baby she had nursed all those years ago, and sometimes she confused him with his uncle Brandon, who was killed by the Mad King before Bran was even born. She had lived so long, Mother had told him once, that all the Brandon Starks had become one person in her head. â€Å"That's not my favorite,†he said. â€Å"My favorites were the scary ones.†He heard some sort of commotion outside and turned back to the window. Rickon was running across the yard toward the gatehouse, the wolves following him, but the tower faced the wrong way for Bran to see what was happening. He smashed a fist on his thigh in frustration and felt nothing. â€Å"Oh, my sweet summer child,†Old Nan said quietly, â€Å"what do you know of fear? Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods.†â€Å"You mean the Others,†Bran said querulously. â€Å"The Others,†Old Nan agreed. â€Å"Thousands and thousands of years ago, a winter fell that was cold and hard and endless beyond all memory of man. There came a night that lasted a generation, and kings shivered and died in their castles even as the swineherds in their hovels. Women smothered their children rather than see them starve, and cried, and felt their tears freeze on their cheeks.†Her voice and her needles fell silent, and she glanced up at Bran with pale, filmy eyes and asked, â€Å"So, child. This is the sort of story you like?†â€Å"Well,†Bran said reluctantly, â€Å"yes, only . . . â€Å" Old Nan nodded. â€Å"In that darkness, the Others came for the first time,†she said as her needles went click click click. â€Å"They were cold things, dead things, that hated iron and fire and the touch of the sun, and every creature with hot blood in its veins. They swept over holdfasts and cities and kingdoms, felled heroes and armies by the score, riding their pale dead horses and leading hosts of the slain. All the swords of men could not stay their advance, and even maidens and suckling babes found no pity in them. They hunted the maids through frozen forests, and fed their dead servants on the flesh of human children.†Her voice had dropped very low, almost to a whisper, and Bran found himself leaning forward to listen. â€Å"Now these were the days before the Andals came, and long before the women fled across the narrow sea from the cities of the Rhoyne, and the hundred kingdoms of those times were the kingdoms of the First Men, who had taken these lands from the children of the forest. Yet here and there in the fastness of the woods the children still lived in their wooden cities and hollow hills, and the faces in the trees kept watch. So as cold and death filled the earth, the last hero determined to seek out the children, in the hopes that their ancient magics could win back what the armies of men had lost. He set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched, until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him, and came silen t on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as houndsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ The door opened with a bang, and Bran's heart leapt up into his mouth in sudden fear, but it was only Maester Luwin, with Hodor looming in the stairway behind him. â€Å"Hodor!†the stableboy announced, as was his custom, smiling hugely at them all. Maester Luwin was not smiling. â€Å"We have visitors,†he announced, â€Å"and your presence is required, Bran.†â€Å"I'm listening to a story now,†Bran complained. â€Å"Stories wait, my little lord, and when you come back to them, why, there they are,†Old Nan said. â€Å"Visitors are not so patient, and ofttimes they bring stories of their own.†â€Å"Who is it?†Bran asked Maester Luwin. â€Å"Tyrion Lannister, and some men of the Night's Watch, with word from your brother Jon. Robb is meeting with them now. Hodor, will you help Bran down to the hall?†â€Å"Hodor!†Hodor agreed happily. He ducked to get his great shaggy head under the door. Hodor was nearly seven feet tall. It was hard to believe that he was the same blood as Old Nan. Bran wondered if he would shrivel up as small as his great-grandmother when he was old. It did not seem likely, even if Hodor lived to be a thousand. Hodor lifted Bran as easy as if he were a bale of hay, and cradled him against his massive chest. He always smelled faintly of horses, but it was not a bad smell. His arms were thick with muscle and matted with brown hair. â€Å"Hodor,†he said again. Theon Greyjoy had once commented that Hodor did not know much, but no one could doubt that he knew his name. Old Nan had cackled like a hen when Bran told her that, and confessed that Hodor's real name was Walder. No one knew where â€Å"Hodor†had come from, she said, but when he started saying it, they started calling him by it. It was the only word he had. They left Old Nan in the tower room with her needles and her memories. Hodor hummed tunelessly as he carried Bran down the steps and through the gallery, with Maester Luwin following behind, hurrying to keep up with the stableboy's long strides. Robb was seated in Father's high seat, wearing ringmail and boiled leather and the stern face of Robb the Lord. Theon Greyjoy and Hallis Mollen stood behind him. A dozen guardsmen lined the grey stone walls beneath tall narrow windows. In the center of the room the dwarf stood with his servants, and four strangers in the black of the Night's Watch. Bran could sense the anger in the hall the moment that Hodor carried him through the doors. â€Å"Any man of the Night's Watch is welcome here at Winterfell for as long as he wishes to stay,†Robb was saying with the voice of Robb the Lord. His sword was across his knees, the steel bare for all the world to see. Even Bran knew what it meant to greet a guest with an unsheathed sword. â€Å"Any man of the Night's Watch,†the dwarf repeated, â€Å"but not me, do I take your meaning, boy?†Robb stood and pointed at the little man with his sword. â€Å"I am the lord here while my mother and father are away, Lannister. I am not your boy.†â€Å"If you are a lord, you might learn a lord's courtesy,†the little man replied, ignoring the sword point in his face. â€Å"Your bastard brother has all your father's graces, it would seem.†â€Å"Jon,†Bran gasped out from Hodor's arms. The dwarf turned to look at him. â€Å"So it is true, the boy lives. I could scarce believe it. You Starks are hard to kill.†â€Å"You Lannisters had best remember that,†Robb said, lowering his sword. â€Å"Hodor, bring my brother here.†â€Å"Hodor,†Hodor said, and he trotted forward smiling and set Bran in the high seat of the Starks, where the Lords of Winterfell had sat since the days when they called themselves the Kings in the North. The seat was cold stone, polished smooth by countless bottoms; the carved heads of direwolves snarled on the ends of its massive arms. Bran clasped them as he sat, his useless legs dangling. The great seat made him feel half a baby. Robb put a hand on his shoulder. â€Å"You said you had business with Bran. Well, here he is, Lannister.†Bran was uncomfortably aware of Tyrion Lannister's eyes. One was black and one was green, and both were looking at him, studying him, weighing him. â€Å"I am told you were quite the climber, Bran,†the little man said at last. â€Å"Tell me, how is it you happened to fall that day?†â€Å"I never,†Bran insisted. He never fell, never never never. â€Å"The child does not remember anything of the fall, or the climb that came before it,†said Maester Luwin gently. â€Å"Curious,†said Tyrion Lannister. â€Å"My brother is not here to answer questions, Lannister,†Robb said curtly. â€Å"Do your business and be on your way.†â€Å"I have a gift for you,†the dwarf said to Bran. â€Å"Do you like to ride, boy?†Maester Luwin came forward. â€Å"My lord, the child has lost the use of his legs. He cannot sit a horse.†â€Å"Nonsense,†said Lannister. â€Å"With the right horse and the right saddle, even a cripple can ride.†The word was a knife through Bran's heart. He felt tears come unbidden to his eyes. â€Å"I'm not a cripple!†â€Å"Then I am not a dwarf,†the dwarf said with a twist of his mouth. â€Å"My father will rejoice to hear it.†Greyjoy laughed. â€Å"What sort of horse and saddle are you suggesting?†Maester Luwin asked. â€Å"A smart horse,†Lannister replied. â€Å"The boy cannot use his legs to command the animal, so you must shape the horse to the rider, teach it to respond to the reins, to the voice. I would begin with an unbroken yearling, with no old training to be unlearned.†He drew a rolled paper from his belt. â€Å"Give this to your saddler. He will provide the rest.†Maester Luwin took the paper from the dwarfs hand, curious as a small grey squirrel. He unrolled it, studied it. â€Å"I see. You draw nicely, my lord. Yes, this ought to work. I should have thought of this myself.†â€Å"It came easier to me, Maester. It is not terribly unlike my own saddles.†â€Å"Will I truly be able to ride?†Bran asked. He wanted to believe them, but he was afraid. Perhaps it was just another lie. The crow had promised him that he could fly. â€Å"You will,†the dwarf told him. â€Å"And I swear to you, boy, on horseback you will be as tall as any of them.†Robb Stark seemed puzzled. â€Å"Is this some trap, Lannister? What's Bran to you? Why should you want to help him?†â€Å"Your brother Jon asked it of me. And I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things.†Tyrion Lannister placed a hand over his heart and grinned. The door to the yard flew open. Sunlight came streaming across the hall as Rickon burst in, breathless. The direwolves were with him. The boy stopped by the door, wide-eyed, but the wolves came on. Their eyes found Lannister, or perhaps they caught his scent. Summer began to growl first. Grey Wind picked it up. They padded toward the little man, one from the right and one from the left. â€Å"The wolves do not like your smell, Lannister,†Theon Greyioy commented. â€Å"Perhaps it's time I took my leave,†Tyrion said. He took a step backward . . . and Shaggydog came out of the shadows behind him, snarling. Lannister recoiled, and Summer lunged at him from the other side. He reeled away, unsteady on his feet, and Grey Wind snapped at his arm, teeth ripping at his sleeve and tearing loose a scrap of cloth. â€Å"No!†Bran shouted from the high seat as Lannister's men reached for their steel. â€Å"Summer, here. Summer, to me!†The direwolf heard the voice, glanced at Bran, and again at Lannister. He crept backward, away from the little man, and settled down below Bran's dangling feet. Robb had been holding his breath. He let it out with a sigh and called, â€Å"Grey Wind.†His direwolf moved to him, swift and silent. Now there was only Shaggydog, rumbling at the small man, his eyes burning like green fire. â€Å"Rickon, call him,†Bran shouted to his baby brother, and Rickon remembered himself and screamed, â€Å"Home, Shaggy, home now.†The black wolf gave Lannister one final snarl and bounded off to Rickon, who hugged him tightly around the neck. Tyrion Lannister undid his scarf, mopped at his brow, and said in a flat voice, â€Å"How interesting.†â€Å"Are you well, my lord?†asked one of his men, his sword in hand. He glanced nervously at the direwolves as he spoke. â€Å"My sleeve is torn and my breeches are unaccountably damp, but nothing was harmed save my dignity.†Even Robb looked shaken. â€Å"The wolves . . . I don't know why they did that . . . â€Å" â€Å"No doubt they mistook me for dinner.†Lannister bowed stiffly to Bran. â€Å"I thank you for calling them off, young ser. I promise you, they would have found me quite indigestible. And now I will be leaving, truly.†â€Å"A moment, my lord,†Maester Luwin said. He moved to Robb and they huddled close together, whispering. Bran tried to hear what they were saying, but their voices were too low. Robb Stark finally sheathed his sword. â€Å"I . . . I may have been hasty with you,†he said. â€Å"You've done Bran a kindness, and, well . . . †Robb composed himself with an effort. â€Å"The hospitality of Winterfell is yours if you wish it, Lannister.†â€Å"Spare me your false courtesies, boy. You do not love me and you do not want me here. I saw an inn outside your walls, in the winter town. I'll find a bed there, and both of us will sleep easier. For a few coppers I may even find a comely wench to warm the sheets for me.†He spoke to one of the black brothers, an old man with a twisted back and a tangled beard. â€Å"Yoren, we go south at daybreak. You will find me on the road, no doubt.†With that he made his exit, struggling across the hall on his short legs, past Rickon and out the door. His men followed. The four of the Night's Watch remained. Robb turned to them uncertainly. â€Å"I have had rooms prepared, and you'll find no lack of hot water to wash off the dust of the road. I hope you will honor us at table tonight.†He spoke the words so awkwardly that even Bran took note; it was a speech he had learned, not words from the heart, but the black brothers thanked him all the same. Summer followed them up the tower steps as Hodor carried Bran back to his bed. Old Nan was asleep in her chair. Hodor said â€Å"Hodor,†gathered up his great-grandmother, and carried her off, snoring softly, while Bran lay thinking. Robb had promised that he could feast with the Night's Watch in the Great Hall. â€Å"Summer,†he called. The wolf bounded up on the bed. Bran hugged him so hard he could feel the hot breath on his cheek. â€Å"I can ride now,†he whispered to his friend. â€Å"We can go hunting in the woods soon, wait and see.†After a time he slept. In his dream he was climbing again, pulling himself up an ancient windowless tower, his fingers forcing themselves between blackened stones, his feet scrabbling for purchase. Higher and higher he climbed, through the clouds and into the night sky, and still the tower rose before him. When he paused to look down, his head swam dizzily and he felt his fingers slipping. Bran cried out and clung for dear life. The earth was a thousand miles beneath him and he could not fly. He could not fly. He waited until his heart had stopped pounding, until he could breathe, and he began to climb again. There was no way to go but up. Far above him, outlined against a vast pale moon, he thought he could see the shapes of gargoyles. His arms were sore and aching, but he dared not rest. He forced himself to climb faster. The gargoyles watched him ascend. Their eyes glowed red as hot coals in a brazier. Perhaps once they had been lions, but now they were twisted and grotesque. Bran could hear them whispe ring to each other in soft stone voices terrible to hear. He must not listen, he told himself, he must not hear, so long as he did not hear them he was safe. But when the gargoyles pulled themselves loose from the stone and padded down the side of the tower to where Bran clung, he knew he was not safe after all. â€Å"I didn't hear,†he wept as they came closer and closer, â€Å"I didn't, I didn't.†He woke gasping, lost in darkness, and saw a vast shadow looming over him. â€Å"I didn't hear,†he whispered, trembling in fear, but then the shadow said â€Å"Hodor,†and lit the candle by the bedside, and Bran sighed with relief. Hodor washed the sweat from him with a warm, damp cloth and dressed him with deft and gentle hands. When it was time, he carried him down to the Great Hall, where a long trestle table had been set up near the fire. The lord's seat at the head of the table had been left empty, but Robb sat to the right of it, with Bran across from him. They ate suckling pig that night, and pigeon pie, and turnips soaking in butter, and afterward the cook had promised honeycombs. Summer snatched table scraps from Bran's hand, while Grey Wind and Shaggydog fought over a bone in the corner. Winterfell's dogs would not come near the hall now. Bran had found that strange at first, but he was growing used to it. Yoren was senior among the black brothers, so the steward had seated him between Robb and Maester Luwin. The old man had a sour smell, as if he had not washed in a long time. He ripped at the meat with his teeth, cracked the ribs to suck out the marrow from the bones, and shrugged at the mention of Jon Snow. â€Å"Ser Alliser's bane,†he grunted, and two of his companions shared a laugh that Bran did not understand. But when Robb asked for news of their uncle Benjen, the black brothers grew ominously quiet. â€Å"What is it?†Bran asked. Yoren wiped his fingers on his vest. â€Å"There's hard news, m'lords, and a cruel way to pay you for your meat and mead, but the man as asks the question must bear the answer. Stark's gone.†One of the other men said, â€Å"The Old Bear sent him out to look for Waymar Royce, and he's late returning, my lord.†â€Å"Too long,†Yoren said. â€Å"Most like he's dead.†â€Å"My uncle is not dead,†Robb Stark said loudly, anger in his tones. He rose from the bench and laid his hand on the hilt of his sword. â€Å"Do you hear me? My uncle is not dead!†His voice rang against the stone walls, and Bran was suddenly afraid. Old sour-smelling Yoren looked up at Robb, unimpressed. â€Å"Whatever you say, m'lord,†he said. He sucked at a piece of meat between his teeth. The youngest of the black brothers shifted uncomfortably in his seat. â€Å"There's not a man on the Wall knows the haunted forest better than Benjen Stark. He'll find his way back.†â€Å"Well,†said Yoren, â€Å"maybe he will and maybe he won't. Good men have gone into those woods before, and never come out.†All Bran could think of was Old Nan's story of the Others and the last hero, hounded through the white woods by dead men and spiders big as hounds. He was afraid for a moment, until he remembered how that story ended. â€Å"The children will help him,†he blurted, â€Å"the children of the forest!†Theon Greyjoy sniggered, and Maester Luwin said, â€Å"Bran, the children of the forest have been dead and gone for thousands of years. All that is left of them are the faces in the trees.†â€Å"Down here, might be that's true, Maester,†Yoren said, â€Å"but up past the Wall, who's to say? Up there, a man can't always tell what's alive and what's dead.†That night, after the plates had been cleared, Robb carried Bran up to bed himself. Grey Wind led the way, and Summer came close behind. His brother was strong for his age, and Bran was as light as a bundle of rags, but the stairs were steep and dark, and Robb was breathing hard by the time they reached the top. He put Bran into bed, covered him with blankets, and blew out the candle. For a time Robb sat beside him in the dark. Bran wanted to talk to him, but he did not know what to say. â€Å"We'll find a horse for you, I promise,†Robb whispered at last. â€Å"Are they ever coming back?†Bran asked him. â€Å"Yes,†Robb said with such hope in his voice that Bran knew he was hearing his brother and not just Robb the Lord. â€Å"Mother will be home soon. Maybe we can ride out to meet her when she comes. Wouldn't that surprise her, to see you ahorse?†Even in the dark room, Bran could feel his brother's smile. â€Å"And afterward, we'll ride north to see the Wall. We won't even tell Jon we're coming, we'll just be there one day, you and me. It will be an adventure.†â€Å"An adventure,†Bran repeated wistfully. He heard his brother sob. The room was so dark he could not see the tears on Robb's face, so he reached out and found his hand. Their fingers twined together.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Othello s Othello By William Shakespeare - 848 Words
Desdemona’s Passivity [In the Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Othello†] Desdemona is a passive character in the Shakespeare play â€Å"Othello†. We can identify this as a fault in Desdemona, in various acts and scenes throughout the play. A critic had stated that â€Å"Desdemona is passive, acted upon rather than acting.†This is a valid statement which is noticeable in Desdemona’s character. When Desdemona argues Cassio’s position that Othello stripped from him. We see from this that she could have acted upon the situation rather than a mere plead with her husband Othello. As well as the handkerchief Othello gave to her when asked by Othello what happened to it, she passively told him â€Å"I have it not about me.†(3,4,55). As well as when Othello is about to kill Desdemona. She remains passive even as she is being murdered by her own husband. Desdemona lies in her bed and allows Othello to unjustly smother her to death. Cassio was made second in command by Oth ello the leading general in the armies of Venice. However after Cassio is found to be guilty in a drunken fight by Othello, Othello then stripes Cassio of his lieutenant position of the armies of Venice. Desdimona tells Cassio â€Å"Be thou assured, good Cassio, I will do All my abilities in thy behalf.†(3,3,1) Here Desdimona is referring to Cassio’s position Othello had stripped him of. Desdemona is letting Cassio know that she will speak to Othello on his behalf, continuing on that she will make it right betweenShow MoreRelatedOthello : William Shakespeare s Othello2542 Words  | 11 Pages3 March 2015 Othello Introduction Shakespeare is the second most quoted writer in the English language – after the various writers of the Bible. Many of Shakespeare’s ideas for the play Othello came from a collection of tales written by Giraldi Cinthio. In Othello the character of Iago acts as the prominent main character throughout the play, even though he plays the role of the antagonist to the other central characters in the comedy Iago is the tragic hero. Shakespeare’s Othello was not justRead MoreOthello By William Shakespeare s Othello Essay1230 Words  | 5 Pages Previously, in Act 3.4, Othello begins to suspect Desdemona’s loyalty, as he continuously asks Desdemona for the handkerchief, yet she keeps on changing the topic. In Act 4.1, Iago continues to convince Othello of Desdemona’s faithfulness. In Act 3.4, Othello defended Desdemona when Iago accused her; but in Act 4.1, their position is switched. Othello becomes more aware of what Iago is saying and the anger t hat he has towards Iago has significantly reduced, while he begins to doubt Desdemona.Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello And Othello1720 Words  | 7 PagesDejenara Williams Ms.Milliner EES21QH-04 January ,18,2017 In this world there are two different types of people. There are those with a fixed mindset and others with a growth mindset . Each of these mindset involve different personality and characteristics. This may create a different outlook on life, meaning different morals and actions. Which happens to come into play while reading shakespeare s Othello. Most of the characters , maybe even all fit into either categories. CharactersRead MoreOthello By William Shakespeare s Othello Essay977 Words  | 4 Pages In William Shakespeare s Othello, Iago s character is perhaps the most appalling scalawag. Oxford s Dictionary characterizes miscreant as an, an evil individual; boss insidious character in a play or a story (Oxford 740). Iago plays the antiquated of Othello, who is the general of the Venetian powers. As an old, Iago is to be an unwavering worker to Othello. In any case, Iago has developed intense and scornful and utilizes his gathered steadfastness as a wedge to bring about Othello s endRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello s Othello By William Shakespeare Essay2117 Words  | 9 Pages Racist Ideology As Seen In Othello As a writer, William Shakespeare possessed an uncanny ability to address topics that were, for the most part, unnoticed in society. Every one of his characters feels realistic because they are so complex and based on psychological motivations. When Shakespeare’s Othello was first written, there was undoubtedly a complicated relationship between white English citizens and so called â€Å"foreigners†. 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He equally enjoins his audience to venture as bravely as he does into the palpable horror of love gone amiss. In â€Å"OTHELLO,†â€Å"MACBETH,†and many more dramas, love’s fatal potential to provoke vengeance or the quest for earthly power is powerfully feltRead MoreOthello By William Shakespeare s Othello1209 Words  | 5 PagesOthello Down Shakespeare s Othello comprises of the subjects betrayal, affection and dishonesty. At the focal point of this play is the lamentable ruin of Othello because of his so-called friend Iago. In this paper I will be examining the explanations behind and against Othello being in charge of his defeat through taking a gander at critical interpretations of his character and activities. Othello was profoundly in charge to his own destruction as Iago demonstrating to him to be gullible andRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello And Othello1385 Words  | 6 PagesFor the time Othello was set in, 16th century Elizabethan society held strong socioeconomic roles that governed social statuses. In Shakespeare’s Othello, class positions become a theme that emphasizes power as a major role in relationships. In the case of Othello, a general of the Venetian army, and Iago, one of his trusted advisors, that power struggle is the force that dominants the play and leads to the disastrous and memorable ending. Machiavelli’s treatise, The Prince, examines the dynamicRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello, And Othello Essay1589 Words  | 7 Pagesable to find these undertones and pieces of symbolism in the plays of Everyman, by Peter van Diest, and Othello, by William Shakespeare, the easiest to explain. 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